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The Meaning of Worship

We often consider modern worship, and we think of the image above - large amounts of people, hands raised, so filled with the Holy Spirit that they can't help but move and dance to the rhythm of the praise music.

Worship is so much more than music and a sermon, though these are two important parts to any worship service. Many people will say they stayed at a church after their first time visiting because of the music or because of the way or the theme or overall theology of the sermons preached. But there is so much more to worship.

Whether you prefer"traditional" or "contemporary" styles of worship, there are four key elements present:

Gather & Praise

We worship together, not alone, because worship is a communal act. This spiritual journey that we are on, while an indivual journey of discovery is meant to be done with others - those who are also searching and pondering the same mystery we are. We gather, lift up our voices in praise and support one another on our unique and individual journey to know Jesus more intimately.

Proclamation & Response

We are called to spread the Good News - that which is Jesus. We hear it from the pulpit, we read it from the scriptures, and we respond to it through prayer and words of affirmation. We may not always be in the right head space; we may not always want to hear the words being said or affirm our beliefs; we may not always actively seek out the Kin-dom each Sunday. There are times where we may have to "fake it until we make it," and that is ok. It is through this time of worship each week that we are constantly reminded of the Love of God and how beloved we truly are, no matter where we are spiritually on any given day.

Thanksgiving & Invitation

Through worship, we are invited to not only give our gifts, but to accept the gift of grace, freely given. Through our giving, we celebrate our blessings, we commemorate our calling, and we express, in a tangible way, our deep belief in the mission of the church. Through the invitation of the open table, we receive God's grace, open for all - no strings attached, no conditions - it is we who need to accept what is freely given.

Sending Forth

We don't always think of this when we think of worship, but the final key element is a reminder for us to go out into the world to be disciples. Discipleship is not something we only do on Sundays. We are disciples every day of our lives, and as we are sent out each week, we are reminded of the Great Commission - to go out into the world and to share the Good News of Jesus that we have just experienced.

When we think about these elements, we begin to see that Worship is more than just the music or just the word. Worship is the beginning of our week. It propels us to remember our call throughout all that we do - moving "Church" from something that only happens on Sundays to something we do every day.

What does Worship mean to you? How do these elements help us to be true Disciples? And if you haven't been to Worship lately - in person or online - and you are feeling like you need something more - maybe it's time to give it a try.

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